When teaching younger students it can be a refreshing change of pace, for them and you, to get out of the classroom every once in awhile – if the weather cooperates. Younger students tend to like to get out to a park and play games – and don’t worry, they know a number of activities […]
All posts by admin
Class Management and Control
An old adage holds that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – this was never truer than when discussing management and control of your classroom. The biggest headaches come after you have lost control – usually manifesting itself as shouting, fighting, arguing, crying and total disinterest in you and anything you […]
Tips for Teaching EFL/ESL Private Lessons
You are probably working for some EFL school or government organization – but the salary is lousy! How do you improve your pay packet? Easy – do private lessons! We kid you not – doing private lessons is a lucrative way to earn big bucks: especially if you are teaching outside of the US. So, […]
Teaching Myths ‘Busted’ for EFL / ESL Novices
All professions, and teaching is no exception, have their associated myths. For instance, a common myth about the engineering profession is that engineers don’t care about social and political issues; they just want to build that dam, or bridge, or whatever – come hell or high water. So, what should you, as a novice EFL […]
How to Develop Rapport in an EFL /ESL Classroom
A good rapport between you and the students is essential if you are interested in improving their motivation, receptivity, and – of course – their enjoyment of the lesson. So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, be aware of as it concerns developing rapport? Here are a few points worth considering. The most […]
Tips for Brainstorming in EFL / ESL Lessons
The on line ‘Oxford Dictionaries’ defines ‘brainstorm’ as “A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems”. This short article is aimed at showing how ‘brainstorming’ can be used in the EFL environment. So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, be aware of as it concerns brainstorming? Here are a […]
Why Learn English as a Foreign Language?
If you ask EFL students why they are learning English, you will usually get a reply on the lines of ‘because everyone speaks English’. This is a fair reply; however, this may not be enough to convince some EFL students of the importance of learning English. So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, […]
How to Use Search Engines for EFL/ ESL Learning
According to the on line ‘Oxford Dictionaries’, a search engine is “A program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.” So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, be aware of […]
How to Be a Confident EFL/ESL Teacher
Confidence is something that you will develop with time; unfortunately, time – as in most situations – is your worst enemy. So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, be aware of as it concerns becoming a confident teacher? Here are a few points worth considering. There is an old aphorism: “knowledge is power”; […]
How to Use a Dictionary in EFL/ESL
Using a dictionary is an important integral part of learning a language, and this is equally true whether you are learning your mother tongue or a foreign language. So, what should you, as a novice EFL teacher, be aware of when using a dictionary? Here are a few useful tips worth remembering. The EFL student […]