Code Of Practice

The WTEFLAC code of practice represents the main principles of our organization. All TEFL/TESOL organizations/course providers who wish to become accredited by the WTEFLAC must agree to operate under this code of practice. We conduct regular monitoring of our accredited members to ensure they are continuing to follow the code.

Course Advertising & Promotion

  • any promotional material must be a true representation of the TEFL/TESOL course offered
  • adequate information must be provided to allow potential students to make an informed choice. This should include a breakdown of the course schedule/modules offered
  • course providers must be upfront & transparent with the advertisement of course fees

Selection & Admission of Students

  • course providers must have a clear admissions policy
  • entry requirements must include English language competence
  • the admissions policy must meet equal opportunity standards

Course Delivery

  • teaching and training must follow clear methodological principles
  • peer to peer teaching practice must represent a significant portion of the course on offer
  • courses must be delivered by an experienced EFL professional with at least 3 years of practical experience of teaching English as a foreign language

Course Modules & Content

  • any course materials must be clear and well laid out
  • the course content must give students a solid foundation of knowledge required to achieve their professional goals
  • the course must include coherent and sequential modules
  • the pace of learning must be manageable for potential students

Feedback & Assessment

  • students should receive continual feedback on their progress throughout the course
  • a clear policy of assessment must be agreed and followed
  • students should be assessed on a range of aspects relating to the course
  • the methods of assessment must be made clear to potential students
  • all students who pass the course should receive an approved certificate

Staffing & Staff Development

  • all staff members must have relevant experience & qualifications
  • staff must have sufficient resources to deliver the course effectively
  • staff should be given satisfactory opportunity to develop within the organization
  • the experience and qualifications of staff should be used in the decision making process
  • there must be an adequate training program for new trainers who will teach the course

Quality Assurance & Course Evaluation

  • there must be a clear standard for the delivery of the course and a continual evaluation procedure must be in place to ensure this standard is continually followed
  • an independent and suitably qualified individual must be used to evaluate course standards and delivery methods
  • if the same course is offered over a long period of time then the course must be updated to fit in with current standards within the EFL industry
  • there must be a range of procedures in place to continually monitor and improve the quality of the course on offer